We work carefully to select the most interesting and delicious honeys that we can find. Each one’s intrinsic aroma and flavour characteristics will be determined by factors such as site, floral species and seasonal influences. The quality of the honey, or it’s ability to convey those characteristics are, we believe, determined by four main factors;
1. Bee genetics. Believe it or not, most beekeepers will have a selective breeding program in place for their hives. Typically, they select for temperament, hive hygiene and productivity.
2. Site health. Healthier ecosystems means healthier vegetation, which means more nutritious nectar. Nutrition in nectar (and every type of produce!) is the source of flavour.
3. Floral species. Some things just don’t make very delicious honey, producing honeys high in simple sugars and low in nutrition. Modern canola is an example of this.
4. Extraction practices. There’s a real skill and art to honey extraction. Just the right amount of heat needs to be applied to the boxes to make the honey easy to extract, yet not so much that the honey will be overheated. Cleanliness of equipment can create a lasting impact too.