Ambrosia Twin Pack

Ambrosia Twin Pack
Our Yandee and Yaaraan ambrosias were made in EXACTLY the same way. They are both 5.5%ABV, were put on to ferment on the same day, were made with the same water, sat side by side for the duration of their ferment, and were bottled just one day apart. The ONLY different between them is the honey used in them.
We think that this makes them a great example of how terroir can be transmitted through honey, and it’s incredible to compare their tastes alongside differences in soil type, rainfall, and microclimatic factors associated with their location. They each express characteristics associated with their environments like what we would expect from a wine from the same environment, giving us a fascinating insight into how the same processes are common amongst different plant species.
10% off when bought together.
Yaaraan is the Pinjarup People’s name for Red River Gum (Eucalyptus Camaldulensis). The bees collected the honey from a site just near Pinjarra, in WA’s south-west. The trees grow to a very old age - some of the oldest known examples are 800 years old - and develop a large, sprawling structure. They’re very water hungry, and release toxins to prevent other trees, even their own saplings, from establishing too close to their roots to ensure that they don’t have to compete for water resources. Typically, they establish themselves along river or creek lines, even in river beds that are dry for periods of the year. This honey came from a river bed with loose, sandy soils and the site gets rainfall of just over 600mm/year. It’s inland, so it gets hot in summer and cold in water, but the climate is moderated by the landscape and native vegetation to some extent. The resulting ambrosia is lightly floral, has a loose acidity and the tannins and phenolics are present but not dominant. In one word, it’s a very pleasing ambrosia.
Yandee is the Nanda People’s name for York Gum (Eucalyptus loxophleba). This comes from their land near Hamelin Pool, in WA’s Gascoyne region. The trees tolerate a higher density than Red River Gums and are neither as big, nor as long-lived and are classified as mallees. The site where the bees sourced the honey that goes into this is characterised by dense clay soils, high diurnal temperature variation and low rainfall. The ambrosia has explosive aromatics and searing acidity (from cool nights and clay soil keeping roots cool), layers of phenolics and tannins (a natural defence against the heat), and a tight structure (clay soils). This has been a real favourite with sommeliers and experienced tasters due to its complexity.